Chiara's Tuscany - Dolcevita & Dolce Lingua Experiential Learning


Laboratorio di Scrittura

If you love reading and writing while using your imagination and creativity, this course is for you.

We will analyze  the Italian language by reading  passages by authors that I have carefully  chosen for you. Their  words will be the basis for creative writing ideas.

We will also create new stories, starting  from expressions and new words that I will introduce.

The aim of this course is not to become Italian writers. The aim is to increase language fluidity, use the Italian language with no fear and free creativity.

Who is this course for? This course is for those who already speak and read Italian at an Intermediate or Advanced level.

 If you can read an article or a book without checking the dictionary word by word, if you can grasp the meaning of a story even without understanding all the words, if you want to try to express yourself through writing, if you like the challenge …Then this course is for you.

How does it work? 4 zoom meetings + 8 emails with activities and audio

Every month : 1 meeting on Zoom + 2 emails with corrections and comments on the work done; second part of reading , audio 

  • 1 Zoom meeting – One author per month: reading of a passage, presentation of the author, text analysis and task assignment
  • 1 PERSONALIZED EMAIL for you with my corrections and comments on your written production.
  • 2 second  email with language details and second part of  reading of the month

Starting Date: Available at the beginning of each month

Duration: about 4 months


95,00 360,00